Standard Sliding Glass Door Sizes

In both new construction and renovation projects, a sliding glass door is an excellent way to bring the outdoors into your home and let natural light and fresh air into your living space. A glass sliding door can be a beautiful addition to your home’s decor, but you might have many questions about how to choose and put in your new sliding door. How big do sliding doors usually come? How hard is it to change a sliding door? What if one of the standard sizes doesn’t fit your needs? Our experts at Kovapartitions are ready to assist you in finding the ideal sliding glass door according to the required dimensions.

Understanding the Appeal of Sliding Glass Doors

Sliding doors, with their wide variety of contemporary styles, may elevate the interior decor of a room. The overall modern minimalistic style might benefit from this. By allowing in natural light, sliding glass doors make a space seem much larger and more open. Views from the outside will not be obstructed by the door’s see-through glass, enabling you to take full advantage of your surroundings. This also helps to create a more positive atmosphere in your home. You can easily access your backyard or patio with sliding glass doors.  When hosting visitors, having a bigger space that can accommodate a more significant number of people is beneficial. So, the next time you plan a get-together, just then, your sliding door wide to make the most of the inside and outdoor spaces.

Installing Sliding Glass Doors

When installing a sliding door, there are several things to keep in mind. The size of the sliding door you will install is one of the most crucial considerations. Getting a new sliding glass door is made simpler by the fact that they are available in a variety of basic sizes. If your sliding door isn’t opening and closing as quickly as it used to, you can consider installing sliding window rollers. Depending on the size of your door, rollers for both doors and windows are available in various sizes. Check out our comprehensive guide on cleaning sliding doors for more information on how to maintain the smooth operation of your glass sliding door.

What are the Standard Sliding Glass Door Sizes?

Patio and sliding glass doors are available in many configurations, each catering to a specific need. Depending on the amount of space that has to be covered, slider doors may be purchased in two-panel or three-panel configurations. People often choose a 2-panel sliding glass door as a conventional size because of its simplicity. A 3-panel sliding glass door may be necessary if you wish to cover the whole length of a large room.

Typical 2-panel and 3-panel glass doors height

  • 80 inches (6.6 feet)
  • 82 inches (6.8 feet)
  • 96 inches (8 feet)

Typical 2-panel glass doors width

  • 96 inches (8 feet)
  • 72 inches (6 feet)
  • 60 inches (5 feet)

Typical 3-panel glass door width

  • 144 inches (12 feet)
  • 108 inches (9 feet)

What if No Standard Sizes Match Your Requirements?

Sliding glass doors come in various standard sizes, but if none of them fit the area you wish to cover, we recommend consulting a specialist. You could also get in touch with our firm, which specializes in glasswork. Even if we can’t fix your issue, we can make you a custom-sized sliding glass door that will fit perfectly according to your need. Check out our selection of heavy-duty rollers if you need them for sliding windows or doors. Our window and door rollers have a sturdy design and are the perfect addition to any window or door system.