Acoustic glass partitions guide – what you need to know

When maximising efficiency inside a workstation, acoustics play a very significant role. Distractions caused by poor acoustics may hurt a team’s overall performance. It is possible to establish a cost-saving and acoustic performance balance via careful partition design and specification.

What is Acoustic Glass? 

Acoustic glass minimises noise levels by absorbing sound waves (also known as soundproof glass). In terms of look and transparency, an acoustic panel is almost identical to regular glass. Acoustic glass is distinguished from other types of glass because it comprises two or more sheets of glass that are laminated or bonded together. To make a single piece of laminated glass out of two sheets of glass, a specialised interlayer known as PVB (polyvinyl butyral) is placed between the two sheets. Because of this, the quantity of sound that can be heard through the glass is reduced.

How is sound reduction measured?

The sound reduction index measures the level of sound insulation or reduction that a structure, such as a glass wall. When sound waves come into contact with an object’s surface, some waves will bounce off of the surface, the object will absorb some waves, and some waves will pass through the object and be audible on the other side.

Sound reduction ratings are determined during laboratory testing, and the results are reported as Rw dB. On the other hand, the second set of ratings is used since, as a rule, laboratory measurements are more accurate than on-site measurements due to flanking transmission, which refers to the noise that goes through an indirect route. On-site measurements might be affected by flanking transmission. Notation known as DnTw dB is used often in site ratings. To put it another way, the Rw rating is considered when purchasing or selecting an acoustic product for sound suppression. The performance of the sound reduction system is validated using an on-site DnTw rating.

How effective are acoustic glass partitions?

Many variables influence the level of sound insulation. However, if properly placed and the surrounding areas are properly insulated, it may considerably decrease noise and improve privacy. Generally,  The RwdB levels at which conversations may be heard or not with the installation of sound insulation or sound reduction walls are indicated as a basic guideline for use. Glass partitions with a single layer of glazing measuring 12 millimetres may potentially achieve 30 Rw. Still, glass partitions with two layers of glazing measuring 12 millimetres each and an acoustic laminate can potentially achieve 50 Rw. This might be affected by various factors, including the glass system, the sound insulation provided by the surroundings, and many others.

Are acoustic glass partitions expensive?

The price of acoustic glass walls is often higher than that of ordinary glass partitions. This is because some materials need extra steps to be made. Acoustic glass necessitates using two sheets of glass that have been cut, hardened, and then laminated with an acoustic interlay. The installation of acoustic mastic, insulated doors and foam tracks may be more expensive than usual due to the additional required time. In terms of both the cost of the materials and the cost of installation, double-glazed partitioning systems are more expensive than single-glazed systems.

Where should the acoustic glass be used?

There are several uses for acoustic glass inside and outside the house for business and residential purposes. Employees that work in a quieter atmosphere are better able to concentrate, focus, and maintain a healthy work environment. The use of acoustic glass walls in sensitive interior spaces and rooms may also be necessary to maintain a sense of seclusion in these locations. Acoustic glass is an excellent option for reducing sound transmission using double glazing. A double-glazed acoustic partition system’s resistance will be improved even more if the space between the two glass sides is widened.

What should I consider when specifying acoustic glass?

It would help if you considered several factors when selecting soundproof glass and partitions, including the following.

  • Regulations and standards for construction
  • General comfort and well-being
  • Areas where employees must concentrate and pay attention
  • Confidentiality in meeting rooms and other sound-sensitive situations
  • Canteens and dining areas of places that might be loud and hence need sound separation.
  • Corridors and walkways are common places for people to meet and talk.
  • How many doors are there?
  • Various levels of confidentiality are required.
  • Your expenditures or spending

Additionally, check to see that the adjacent regions have adequate sound insulation; keep flanking transmission in mind.